Creedmoria is a story about growing up in Queens in the ’80s, written by a friend of mine, Alicia Slimmer. The project is currently seeking funding to go into production. You can find the Kickstarter campaign here:
About the film:
Candy lives in a crazy, comical world called Creedmoria. This heartwarming film is the story of how she breaks out.
Seventeen-year-old Candy comes from a dysfunctional family, and the world around her seems even crazier. Against the backdrop of New York’s largest mental hospital, Creedmoor, we watch Candy try to survive high school, a psycho boyfriend, a domineering mother, a dickhead boss, a brother struggling with his sexual identity—all while trying to fit in and stay as hopeful as she can. Watching the Creedmorian-4 make their daily pilgrimage from Creedmoor to Burger Barn and back, she wonders why they don’t go further. They have no idea a whole world exists beyond Queens. Neither, at first, does Candy.
Nick Dimola, the owner of Dimola Bros and The Trash it Man helped out in the making of the kickstarter intro film. We gave her a lift on the back of our garbage truck. You can see the video below.
Please help her get the show on the road by contributing to the Kickstarter campaign.
The Trash it Man team was recently called out to dismantle and remove a huge old steam boiler from a laundromat in New York City. The old boiler dates back to the old days and was very large and heavy.
Huge old steam boiler
The boiler and oil tank which supplied oil to the boiler were both way too large to get out of the basement. Without dismantling the building itself, there was no way to get the equipment out through the sidewalk access door to the old basement.
Side view of the old boiler
The Trash it Man crew came in with Sawzalls and cutting gear and started to break the boiler and oil tank down into smaller, more manageable chunks. Due to the size and weight of the material, a gantry and chain come along was used in order to haul out the metal pieces from the basement below the street level.
Below you can see a photo of the gantry setup used.
Gantry used for boiler and oil tank removal
Piece by piece, the boiler was removed and loaded onto a truck with a hydraulic lift. Due to the tremendous weight of the parts, the lift was needed in order to get the stuff onto the truck. The oil tank alone was so large that Sawzsalls were used in order to cut it up and remove it from the basement. A photo is shown below.
Cutting up an oil tank to remove it from basement
Many interior demolition companies do not have the capability of removing such large and bulky items, but the Trash it Man team gets the job done. We have experienced, trained and licensed crews to take on any task, no matter how large or heavy the item may be. It’s one thing to have the trucks and the manpower, but you also need the proper equipment and know how to get it done right and safely.
For your entertainment, we have put together a video of the job here:
For lots more videos and a huge gallery of photos please see our website.
Photo Gallery: Trash it Man Photo Gallery
We often get called to clean out an entire house. This includes many large items such as televisions (they make a nice crunch), stereos, entertainment systems, shelving, sofas, chairs, tables and more. Our compacting garbage truck eats them all up with a nice, satisfying crunch.
Crushing Furniture during a Queens Cleanout Job
Look at all that furniture lined up to get crunched.
The best jobs are the full house cleanouts. We get to crush pots, pans, dishes, computers and monitors. We enjoy tossing in everything to the hungry jaws of the crushing garbage truck. It eats it all and patiently waits for more, and more and more. With a 3 to 1 compacting ratio, this truck can eat a lot of junk.
Mirrors explode with a nice crashing sound. But the best are the wooden shelving units and entertainment centers. Or a nice, large wooden desk. Sofas are fun to toss into the truck and watch it eat it up. A large queen sized mattress gets compressed to the size of a milk carton. Fun!
Interior Demolition Brooklyn, New York. Watch our team demolish a large bathroom.
We are fast, professional and efficient at interior demolition. No job is too big or too small for us to handle. Removal of old fixtures, bathtub and sink. Old tiles and linoleum removed. Drywall and mud and plaster lathe construction removed. Removal of carpeting, mirrors and floors. Drop ceiling and built in lighting removed.
If you have suddenly acquired an estate full of stuff, you may be wondering how and where to start cleaning it all out. No matter if it is through inheritance, purchase or foreclosure, taking over an estate can be a daunting task. There may be rooms, sheds and garages full of junk. It may be way too much for one person to handle alone. You may even try to take it on yourself only to find that it is too time consuming and way too costly.
Room in an Estate full of Clutter
You may have accumulated piles of rubbish and clutter from a hoarder. Or it may be loads of old furniture, newspapers, packing boxes and just plain normal living materials. The kitchen is usually loaded with stuff. The shelves and cupboards are full of junk, most of it outdated old food and cleaners.
The living room usually collects old magazines and books, remote controls and televisions and stereos. Old junk gets tossed into a side room somewhere until you cant even enter it anymore.
Starting to get the picture…..
The Trash it Man team can take away all the stress in one, single day. If you attempt to clean out the whole house, garage, attic, basement and storage rooms yourself, you are literally looking at weeks or months of work. Our team works fast and discrete to clean out the place in a day in most cases. We have multiple trucks, men and equipment to take out all the garbage fast.
Working yourself, you may also find tons of hazardous materials such as car batteries, cleaning materials, old paint, pesticides, fertilizers and the like. Disposing of all this junk yourself can be expensive and time consuming. You will need to locate the proper recycling centers to take all that stuff off your hands. The Trash it Man takes care of it all for you.
You will find loads of plain old junk and rubbish that needs to be removed from the house and storage rooms. Mice, rats and other pests make a mess in the attic and other storage rooms, making it a health hazard for you to work in without the proper equipment. Again, we have everything with us for any job.
In the garage you may find old car parts, batteries, bike parts, gardening supplies and poisonous chemicals that need to be sorted and recycled properly.
Room stuffed with Clutter and Rubbish
The attic and basement become places to toss old unwanted items, waiting for that day that never comes when it will be taken out to the trash. Through the years, it piles up and gets out of hand.
If any of these situations describe your new home, you have two options. One, you can sort through all the garbage yourself. You can get multiple containers and contact multiple facilities to take all the various sorts of waste materials and rubbish off your hands. You can haul everything out piece by piece to the containers until the whole place is clean. Or you can call the Trash it Man to do it all for you in a single day. We will even sweep the place afterward.
We are experts in express cleanout service. We specialize in fast and efficient clutter removal and full estate cleanouts. We can clean out an entire estate or just a single room or storage shed, if needed. House, apartment, garage, attic and basement clean out service.
The article quoted below, about Dimola Bros (The Trash it Man), was just posted this morning on the Daily News, New York.
Nick Dimola, owner of Trash it Man, often gets called out on unique job sites to make an offer for clutter removal services. Sometimes it is a simple matter of cleaning out a single room. Sometimes Nick gets called to clean out an entire estate after a death in the family or downsizing of posessions. But sometimes there is a little jewel found in the trash, like the old Ridgewood Theater, Queens New York.
The Trash it Man team is called out to quote a cleanout job in an ancient movie theater
Some of the items he found date way back to the origins of the movie theater such as this old movie projector which dates back to the opening of the theater itself in 1917. Such a find is a rare treasure indeed. This was an original oil cooled movie projector, one of the first in America.
Found this ancient movie projector from 1917 during a building cleanout quote
Often the Trash it Man team is called to clean out old buildings, businesses and even historic sites such as this one. We do full house cleanouts or just clean out the garage if needed. Nick saves and preserves treasures that he finds in the trash, instead of leaving them to the crusher. He loves to share his treasures with the world through his blogging and personal museum. Rather than taking everything blindly to the landfill, Nick sorts and saves anything of value during a house or estate clean out job and keeps it from being destroyed. With time, people just want to simplify their lives and part with all the rubbish without turning back. This is understandable and why the Trash it Man is here. We help you clean out unwanted waste from your room. The TrashitMan works discretely and offers express cleanout service to all of our clients.
Here is the article from the Daily News.
The nation’s oldest continuously operated movie theater – now shuttered for two years – may offer more historic treasures than originally thought, the Daily News has learned.
Exclusive photographs obtained by The News show that the historic Ridgewood Theatre, though largely deteriorated, still bears gems from its heyday, from an aging projector to wooden armrests.
Snapped by a local rubbish remover, the images offer a rare glimpse inside the Myrtle Ave. mainstay, whose interior condition has been largely unknown since it closed in 2008.
The News first reported last month that the theater is set to be transformed into an Associated supermarket next year.
The photos show much of the theater is beyond saving, but some carvings, seats and other aspects seem intact. That could lead to new concerns about preserving the Ridgewood or rescuing artifacts.
“There’s little, tiny things that are lying around,” said rubbish remover Nick DiMola, who snapped the pictures when called to estimate cleanup costs in July.
The city declared the Beaux-Arts structure a landmark in January, crediting The News for alerting city officials to the site.
Landmarking bars major alterations on the facade, but the protective status does not extend to the interior.
It’s unclear how Associated will renovate the five-screen theater. Max Figueredo, a lawyer for the new owners, said he did not know their plans.
Preservationists applied for interior landmark status in 2008, but the city is “very selective” with interior landmarks, designating only 110, said Lisi de Bourbon, a spokeswoman for the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
Queens boasts only a handful of interior landmarks, which must be regularly open to the public, including the RKO Keith’s movie theater in Flushing and the Marine Air Terminal at LaGuardia Airport.
DiMola said he will post all his photos within the next week on his blog,
Ted Renz of the Myrtle Ave. Business Improvement District said he hopes the theater would be adaptively reused, but added that option may not be economically viable.
“There are artifacts particularly in the lobby that are still intact, but I don’t know the cost that would be involved,” Renz said.
The Trash it Man team was called in to remove three large, heavy steel hot water heat exchanger tanks from a sub cellar in a Manhattan hi-rise.
Due to confined spaces, cutting torches could not be used. The team used fume extraction exhaust ventilation and Sawzalls with cobalt blades.
Our men cut apart all pipes and control valves with the Sawzall. They had to saw the tanks apart into smaller, lighter pieces in order to remove them from the sub cellar.
We removed steam traps, control valves, pipes, coils, gauges, temperature controls and boilers.
Hot water steel tank removal of Manhattan. Tank removal services Brooklyn. Tank removal Queens. Tank removal Bronx.
Furnace room dismantling New York. NYC tank removal company. Removal of steel tank. Removal of cast iron tank. Removal of oil tank. Fuel tank removal. Underground tank removal.
Commercial and Residential tank removal company of New York.
Do you have a difficult or restricted area where the rubbish you need removed is located?
We have the equipment to get the job done right
Our vehicles give us easy access to loading docks, service elevator entrances; we are able to pull right up the platform to load up the rubbish.
Our trucks have special lifts and loading platforms to pick up heavy our bulky items with ease. Don’t stress about moving large, bulky waste materials. Let our team do the job for you.
Because we own our own trucks, bins and containers to handle your job you don’t have the need of renting containers or bins. We use only accredited waste stations to dispose of your rubbish and recycle where possible.
Trash disposal equipment
We remove computer equipment, furniture, cardboard, paper, clothing, books, appliances, household effects and other non-hazardous waste.
No job is too big or too small for us to handle. Our laborers are highly qualified and experienced in all phases of rubbish removal; they are courteous and reliable and will leave your job broom swept clean.
We will not leave your job until you are 100% satisfied.
We leave the place clean to your satisfaction
We are a family owned and operated business since 1956. The trashitman rubbish removal team is a division of Dimola Bros of New York.
The Trash it Man serves the whole New York Metro area, including Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan and the Bronx.
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The Trash it Man is a full service rubbish removal company serving the greater New York Metro Area, including Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx.
We have our own licensed and insured team and trucks to make your rubbish removal job easier. Our team can clean up anything from a full estate to a basement or storage room or construction sites.
Our blog will contain helpful stories and articles about recycling and how we help to keep the environment cleaner. We try to recycle most household and commercial waste in the proper manner in order to reduce landfill dumping and heavy metal contamination.
Electronics, appliances and other environmentally hazardous materials are taken to the appropriate centers for recycling.
Check back with us often for news, articles and updates on how to help keep America clean.