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Why It is Extremely Important To Remove Water Damaged Walls and Insulation
by TrashitMan

After a house is damaged with water from flood, rain, leaks or hurricane, the walls must be dried out immediately or you could loose the whole home. After Hurricane Sandy hit New York recently many homes suffered moderate to severe water damage. But even those houses which only had a few inches of water in them could be destroyed if mold sets in.

If your house suffers water damage, the wet drywall and insulation must be taken out as soon as possible. The sooner you get the wet insulation removed and let the wooden frame dry out, the better.

Mold and water damaged walls

In the photo above you can see one of our workers measuring the flood levels after Hurricane Sandy passed through New York recently. This was taken just two weeks after the Hurricane and mold damage had already begun to set in. You can see the mold in the photo, especially on the left inside the shelves.

Water soaked insulation

After the hurricane flooded many homes in New York including Belle Harbour, Breezy Point, Howard Beach and Lindenwood, demolition teams such as The Trash it Man were called in to remove flood and mold damaged drywall and insulation before the mold was able to spread. In the photo above you can see that the mold has already set in behind the sheetrock and the wood framing of the house is soaking wet. The insulation acts like a sponge and holds water for a very long time. There is nowhere for the water to go unless the insulation is removed and the wooden framework exposed to dry.

Water damaged wet wood after hurricane

Mold spores are everywhere. You would think that behind sealed walls there could be no mold growth, but when the house was put together, mold spores were in the air and got trapped inside, just waiting for the perfect time, such as this, to grow and feed on the wood. Refer to the photo above. This is only two weeks after the flood waters receeded and the mold has spread to the wooden frame behind the drywall of this home. Any longer and the damage would have been too extensive to save the home.

Mold rising up walls after flood

Above you can see how the mold is growing up the wall. Drywall will slowly absorb moisture from the insulation that is trapped inside it. The insulation will hold water for months. The sheetrock wicks this moisture out and into the walls. As the water level climbs, so does the mold. Sadly this wall had to be cut even higher than originally due to the spread of mold.

If you are ever in need of interior demolition due to water damage, DO NOT WAIT!

Call The Trash it Man team immediately at 718-326-6969 and save your home. Our guys are fast and friendly. We get most demolition jobs done on the same day. Call us for a free consultation right away.

The Trash it Man team serves the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens areas of New York City. Call the Trash it Man for interior demolition and water damaged sheetrock and insulation removal today.

Visit our website for a list of our other services:


December 14th


Wooden Porch Demolition and Rubbish Removal Queens, NYC
by TrashitMan

The Trash it Man team was recently called on to remove an old wooden porch in Queens, New York. Often, due to neglect, old age and weather, a porch or house attachment will start to deteriorate beyond repair. If not removed, this can be a safety hazard not only to yourself and your family, but also to anyone else nearby if it ever collapses. Or someone can be harmed while walking on it.


If you have an old dilapidated porch or balcony that needs to be removed, look no further. The Trash it Man team will help. We get the job done in a single day and remove all debris from the job site. We even sweep the area clean when we are finished. Our team covers the complete New York area, including Manhattan, Queens and Brooklyn. If you need a porch demolished in NYC, call us 718-326-6969.


Wooden Porch Pulling Away From House

In the above photo you can see an old wooden porch pulling away from the house. See the gap just under the roof.  It has separated and is slowly falling away. Eventually, if left alone, this porch would collapse onto the ground, two stories below. This is a danger to anyone nearby and to the house on the ground floor. Below you can see Nick, the owner, looking over the job after the roof of the porch has been removed. The Dimola Bros truck is in the foreground. We have our own professionally trained team and equipment. We have our own trucks and are able to remove all rubbish and demolition debris after demolition of the old porch.


Removal of a wooden porch in Queens, New York


Porch and balcony demolition are not simple tasks and must be handled by professionals who have correct equipment or someone could get hurt. We have the knowledge and experience to ensure a safe work site.  Because the balcony or porch is attached to the house, care must be taken to leave the house itself intact and unharmed. The original house roof and walls were unscathed after we were done.


Old, rotten porch was removed from a Queens, NY home

In the photo above you can see the porch has been safely removed and the house untouched. Notice the neighbor’s porch on the right side. The old rotting porch was right next to it on the same level.


For safe porch or balcony demolition, call the Trash it Man team now: 718-326-6969.


Visit our porch demolition web page at http://www.trashitman.com/Old-Wooden-Porch-Demolition.html


We can remove old wooden porches, concrete and brick porches and old balconies. If you have a porch demolition in Queens, New York, call us. For removal of an old, rotting balcony in Manhattan, look no further. If you have a decaying porch in Brooklyn, NY – call our team for expert porch demolition service.


July 28th


Hoarding, Clutter and Compulsive Hoarding Disorders
by TrashitMan

If you know someone in the family who has compulsive hoarding disorder, don’t worry. The Trash it Man team is well known for helping families and estate executors clean out excess clutter from apartments, homes and estates.

With time, recyclable materials may build up in the corner, waiting for the day it should be taken in. Empty bottles or containers will be put aside, waiting for recycling day. Small bags of garbage build up in the corner, waiting for a nice day to take it out to the trash. Often people just can’t bear to part with possessions, collectibles, or just plain rubbish.

Clean out apartment clutter

If your apartment only has a small path to walk through or your house is getting a bit cramped, then it is time to call our clutter removal experts. If hoarding of little treasures or things that you may just be able to use again one day starts to take up more space in your home, then call the Trash it Man.

People often save cardboard boxes from every little purchase. Some people have compulsive buying or shopping disorders and save up too much stuff in their closet, storage space, attic or living room. Many people just cant part with plain old trash and keep piling it up in the corners until it invades the living space and starts to fill up the house.

Hoarding fills an apartment in NYC

In the kitchen, take out food containers, plastic utensils, plates and cups, aluminum foil bits and pieces, pizza boxes and other junk starts to take over too much space. For some, it is a sickness, for others, it may just be that cleaning day was put off a bit too long. No matter how or why it happens, we can discretely remove all unwanted clutter or hoarded materials. We remove everything in large plastic containers, keeping things out of view of prying eyes. Neighbors will not know the difference from a renovation cleanup or clutter removal.

We use containers to keep things discrete

Call the Trash it Man and get your life – and your home – back in order today!

Serving the greater New York Metro area, including Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan


December 2nd


Demolishing a Steel Tank Hot Water Heat Exchanger using smokeless methods
by TrashitMan

The Trash it Man team was called in to remove three large, heavy steel hot water heat exchanger tanks from a sub cellar in a Manhattan hi-rise.

Due to confined spaces, cutting torches could not be used. The team used fume extraction exhaust ventilation and Sawzalls with cobalt blades.

Our men cut apart all pipes and control valves with the Sawzall. They had to saw the tanks apart into smaller, lighter pieces in order to remove them from the sub cellar.

We removed steam traps, control valves, pipes, coils, gauges, temperature controls and boilers.

Watch a video of our guys in action:

Trashitman Tank Removal Service

Hot water steel tank removal of Manhattan. Tank removal services Brooklyn. Tank removal Queens. Tank removal Bronx.

Furnace room dismantling New York. NYC tank removal company. Removal of steel tank. Removal of cast iron tank. Removal of oil tank. Fuel tank removal. Underground tank removal.

Commercial and Residential tank removal company of New York.


September 10th
